
Toll by Plate invoice is changing the method that drivers use to pay tolls by providing a new style of payment that does not require tags. Automatic plate recognition technology make it possible for users to be charged based on their vehicle’s license plate instead of a physical device. Toll by Plate system has now made it easy for new and regular travelers to pay tolls without any hassle.

toll by plate logo

In this article we will discuss every detail surrounding Toll by Plate invoice system features, its workings, pros and cons, common use cases, and how to effectively manage your charges.

Toll by Plate Invoice: What is it?

Toll by Plate Invoice: What is it?

A Toll by Plate invoice allows the collection of tolls without requiring a transponder. Instead, the tolls are charged against the vehicle’s plate number. This technique employs advanced technology known as ALPR, which automatically records the identity of vehicles passing through toll gates. Following this the charge is registered to the owner as per their vehicle documents.

How Does the Toll by Plate Invoice Work?

The Toll by Plate invoice system is designed to provide flexibility and ease of use for drivers. Here’s how it works:

  1. Capture of License Plate: When you pass through a toll gateway on a charged highway with a toll by plate system, cameras will automatically take a picture of the license plate of your vehicle.
  2. Recognition of Plate: The captured plate is then processed using ALPR technology, which can identify the plate number and assign it to the vehicle’s owner’s record.
  3. Invoice Processing: As soon as the reader identifies your vehicle’s plate number, the system deducts the applicable toll amount from the account of the owner. This is done online or by physical mail depending how the specific system is configured.

The Toll by Plate invoice system ensures that even drivers who don’t have a toll pass can easily pay for their tolls, making it a convenient solution for both occasional drivers and frequent travelers.

Common Scenarios Where Toll by Plate Invoice Is Useful

Toll by plate is especially useful in several common driving situations:

  • Traveling on Long Road Trips: How does your vehicle bill you for tolls on long journeys without a toll pass? In states and regions that you are not familiar with, toll by plate serves as a solution by allowing you to pay toll charges effortlessly.
  • Occasional Commuters: For people who only travel through toll roads from time to time and wish to avoid maintaining an account, the system provides immense flexibility.
  • Rental Vehicles: For those quite simply looking to get from one place to another in a Toll by Plate rental car, the invoicing method of toll by plate further eliminates the need to establish a toll account.

Whether you’re on a road trip, an occasional commuter, or renting a vehicle, the Toll by Plate invoice ensures a hassle-free way to pay tolls without needing a dedicated toll pass.

How Are Toll by Plate Invoice Charges Calculated?

How Are Toll by Plate Invoice Charges Calculated?

When you receive a Toll by Plate invoice, it will list the toll charges for the specific sections of road you traveled on. These charges can vary based on factors like:

  • Distance Traveled: The longer the distance you travel on a toll road, the higher the toll charge.
  • Time of Day: Some toll roads charge more during peak hours when traffic congestion is high.
  • Vehicle Type: Different vehicle categories, such as motorcycles, passenger cars, and trucks, may have different toll rates.

Example of a Toll by Plate Invoice Breakdown:

DateToll RoadDistance TraveledVehicle TypeToll Charge
01/15/2025Highway 95, Section 250 milesSedan$10.00
01/15/2025Highway 95, Section 330 milesSedan$6.00

Understanding how your toll charges are calculated ensures transparency and helps you manage your travel expenses efficiently when using the Toll by Plate invoice system.

What to Do if You Receive a Toll by Plate Invoice?

What to Do if You Receive a Toll by Plate Invoice?

Toll invoicing is common these days, and is associated with Plate by Toll services. These invoices can sometimes look alarming, however, handling them has never been easier. Follow my steps outlined below:

1. Understanding Your Invoice

  • Accuracy Confirmation: The first check you need to do is determine that the invoice is accurate. Focus on:
    1. License Plate Number: Does the vehicle’s license plate match? Even the slightest inconsistency indicates that it is not your toll.
    2. Date and Time of Toll: If you are questioned whether you saw that vehicle on that road at that given time, what would your answer be?
    3. Location of Toll: Does the toll cite in question mark match the location.
    4. Amount Due: Is the amount reasonable considering the distance traveled and type of the vehicle used?

2. Establish If You Are Liable for The Payment

  • Legally Toll: Assuming every detail on the invoice stands correct, consider yourself liable for the invoice. Move on to making the payment.
  • Wrong Data Set: In the instance where any of the particulars set out are not correct (license plate is wrong, date is wrong etc), you will have to raise a dispute for the toll (discussed below).
  • Sold Car/Stolen: If the car was under your name and was sold prior to the date when the toll was taken, or if the car was stolen, then you have to prove it with valid legal documents such as a bill of sale or a police report.

3. Settle Any Outstanding Tolls (if needed)

  1. Payment Method: “On the invoice, make sure you follow the instructions listed for the payment methods.” The payment methods usually comprise of:
    • Through the internet (using the tolling agency’s web portal)
    • Over the phone
    • Through post
  2. Payment Cutoff: A more detailed answer is due date. You should try to make the payment before the last date to prevent the late fees or penalties.

4. Contest the Toll (if needed)

  1. Disputable Tolls: There are reasons where you can argue for the toll where you want to not pay. Some of them include but are not limited to:
    • The license plate was inaccurately reported
    • Your presence on that road at that time is very improbable
    • The car had been conveyed or abducted before the time which the toll was registered.
    • You feel that the amount which has been displayed is simply wrong
  2. Procedure to Contest: Information on how to challenge a toll will be on the invoice with some agency or on the agency’s web page. This will commonly consist of:
    • The agency getting in touch with the customer over the phone, electronically or via mail.
    • Providing relevant details regarding the claim made.
    • Providing evidence to support your claim (evidence of sale, a report made to the police, etc).
  3. Do Not Hesitate: Take note that there is a deadline for the disputes being lodged so do not procrastinate.

5. Document Everything

  • A Copy of the Invoice: Save the invoice for your future reference.
  • Proof of Payment: If you pay through the phone or internet, then it is best that you retain the confirmation email or code.
  • Dispute Documentation: In case of dispute, keep copies of all letters and documents that support your position sent to the tolling agency.

Important Considerations:

  • Don’t Ignore It: Neglecting a toll invoice can lead to higher penalties, collection agencies, and even the revocation of your driving license.
  • Contact Customer Service: In case of any questions or doubts, always reach out to the Toll by Plate customer service staff of the tolling agency for assistance.

Once these guidelines are adhered to, managing Toll By Plate invoices can be simple and painless.

How to Pay a Toll by Plate Invoice?

The payment processes concerning a Toll by Plate invoice have been configured to be simple and user-friendly. Most systems provide a range of payment methods, such as:

  1. Online Payment Portals: For example, a user may login to the specific proprietary website for the toll system and pay using their credit/debit card.
  2. Phone Payments: Certain toll authorities accept payments through automated phone systems.
  3. Mail: One can send a check to the tolling authority by post although this might be the slowest option.
  4. Mobile Apps: Nonetheless, many tolls systems have dedicated apps available and users can pay for their tolls from their mobiles.

Irrespective of whether payments are made online, by phone, through mail, or by a mobile app, the Toll by Plate invoice system makes payment of toll charges easy and straightforward. toll charges.

Key Considerations When Using Toll by Plate Invoices

While the Toll by Plate invoice system is convenient, there are some important things to keep in mind:

  1. Late Fees
    • Many toll systems charge late fees if you don’t pay your invoice on time. Make sure to check the due date and pay promptly.
  2. Vehicle Registration Issues
    • If your vehicle registration information is outdated, your toll charges may not be properly attributed to you. Always ensure that your registration details are current to avoid any issues.
  3. Privacy Concerns
    • Since toll by plate relies on license plate recognition technology, some drivers may have privacy concerns. It’s important to be aware of how your data is used and protected by toll authorities.
  4. Cross-State or Region Issues
    • Some toll systems may not be compatible across state or regional borders. Be sure to check if toll by plate works in the areas you plan to drive through.

Obtaining late fees, updates to registrations, issues regarding privacy, and cross state compatibility will be useful to you in utilizing the Toll by Plate invoice system.

FAQs About Toll by Plate Invoices

Understanding common questions about the Toll by Plate invoice system can help drivers navigate toll payments more efficiently.

1. Without a Transponder, can I Pass with a Toll by Plate?

Definitely. The toll by plate system allows users to pass through toll roads without a device, as users are billed through their vehicle registration number.

2. How Do I Fix My Vehicle Registration Number On The Invoice?

When a mistake occurs in the vehicle registration number or the toll charges and your vehicle registration number does not get listed correctly, it can be contested by the user. Claim the dispute by contacting the tolling authority.

3. How Can I Tell if A Toll Road Utilizes The Toll By Plate System?

Most of the roads having a toll fee will have sign boards indicating that they operate on the “Toll by Plate invoice” system.

Whether it’s about transponders, registration corrections, or identifying toll roads using this system, these FAQs provide clarity on the Toll by Plate invoice process.


The Toll by Plate invoice is a modern and user-friendly method of paying toll fees that works well for both casual and regular drivers. With new developments in automatic number plate recognition technology, drivers do not have to concern themselves with carrying transponders or interfacing with toll booths.

There are many advantages with the Toll by Plate invoice system such as easy and transparent payment processes. The system works great for both long distance journeys as well as short commutes where you need to cross a tolling zone. Always remember the possible inaccurate billing, privacy issues, and the necessity to pay the bill on time to avoid a penalty fee.

A Letter from Ione Calloway

Greetings! I'm Ione Calloway, your guide to navigating toll payment solutions with TollbyPlate. Looking for a convenient way to manage toll payments and keep your travels hassle-free? You’re in the right place!

This website is your main resource for using TollbyPlate services. We provide easy-to-follow instructions to help you understand how our toll payment system works, access your account, and make quick and secure payments.

In this space, I'll be your friendly partner as we explore TollbyPlate together. We’ll dive into how to register for TollbyPlate, manage your toll account, and take full advantage of the features we offer to streamline your travel experience.

Let’s get started with TollbyPlate and make your journeys smoother and stress-free. Start today and enjoy the convenience of seamless toll payments!

Ione Calloway